Monday, September 7, 2009

The First Day Of School!!

Look at my little ones on the first day of school. Hannah was starting Kindergarten and Alex Child Development. They were so excited that they would be at the same school. I am very excited too because it make my life easier. They look so cute in their uniforms. Notice the lunchboxes that they picked out. Alex- Spiderman and Hannah- Hannah Mantana. No surprises there. My little ones are growing up so fast. I will keep you posted at how they do....

A Tribute To My Dad!!

Well it has been a while since I have written a blog. It has been a rough summer. In June I received a phone call that my dad was having emergency bowel surgery. He ended up having one complication after another and unfortunately his battle ended on August 9th. He gave a good fight but his body is finally at peace. I will miss being able to call and talk to him about the kids. He always loved talking to Hannah. Hannah asked me recently to call Granddad. I told her he had gone to heaven. She asked if she could take an airplane to see him. It was so innocent and cute. I really grew closer to my dad over the past few years. I think he really loved being a part of the grandkids lives. I will truly miss him. I hope he is watching over all of us and enjoying all of the good parts of our lives and helping us through the rough patches. I love you Dad!!

My Tubing Boys!!

We have really enjoyed the boat this year. Alex has had a blast tubing. Here is a picture of him and Daddy after tubing. He really likes to tube with Mommy better because he does not like getting too wet. Mommy always wants to go slow so no one will get hurt. He loves it. His favorite thing to do at the lake is fish. He has not caught a fish to date however he loves trying. Picking up worms and crickets is a lot of fun. Until next time....